Five Unbelievable Places in Ontario You Must Visit

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Five Unbelievable Places in Ontario You Must Visit

Ontario is a province of natural beauty and a wealth of hidden gems that will amaze you. From tranquil provincial parks to exotic lavender fields, here are five places in Ontario that you won’t believe. Find out their specific activities, costs, how to get there, best times to visit, and top attractions.

1. Pinery Provincial Park

1.1 Overview: 

Pinery Provincial Park, near Grand Bend, offers a variety of outdoor activities including hiking, biking, paddling, and bird watching. The park features over 300 bird species and stunning landscapes, making it a favorite for nature enthusiasts. It’s best visited from May to October, with camping fees starting at $37 per night.

Pinery Provincial Park

1.2 Activities:

  • Hiking and Biking: Explore over 10 km of hiking trails and a 14 km bike trail. Trails range from easy to moderate.
  • Canoeing and Kayaking: Paddle through the Old Ausable Channel. Rentals are available at the park.
  • Bird Watching: The park is home to over 300 species of birds, making it a bird watcher’s paradise.
  • Camping: With over 1,000 campsites, there’s a spot for everyone, from backcountry to RV camping.

To know more details about Camping and Reservation visit here. 

Get all activities here.

1.3 Costs:

  • Day Use Fee: Approximately $15 CAD per vehicle.
  • Camping Fees: Range from $37 to $52 CAD per night, depending on the campsite type.
  • Equipment Rentals: Canoes and kayaks rent for around $25 CAD per hour.

To know about the fees in detail visit here.

1.4 How to Get There: 

Pinery Provincial Park is located about 3 hours west of Toronto. Take Highway 401 west to Highway 21 north and follow the signs to the park.

1.5 Best Time to Go: 

Late spring to early fall (May to September) is ideal for warm-weather activities. Winter offers opportunities for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.

1.6 Top Attraction: 

The sandy beaches of Lake Huron, especially during sunset, are breathtakingly beautiful.

1.7 Important Tips for First Visit

  • Book Campsites Early: The park is very popular, especially in summer.
  • Pack for All Weather: Ontario’s weather can be unpredictable.
  • Stay Hydrated and Use Sunscreen: Many trails are exposed to the sun.

2. Elora Quarry

2.1 Overview: 

Elora Quarry, known for its stunning turquoise swimming hole surrounded by limestone cliffs, is perfect for a summer day of swimming, sunbathing, and picnicking. Located in Elora, it’s a popular spot during the warm months of June to August. The entrance fee is around $10 per person.

Elora Quarry

2.2 Activities:

Elora Quarry is a stunning swimming hole surrounded by 12-meter high limestone cliffs:

  • Swimming: Enjoy the cool, turquoise waters.
  • Sunbathing: Relax on the sandy beach or grassy areas.
  • Picnicking: There are several picnic tables and spots to enjoy a meal.

2.3 Costs:

  • Entrance Fee: Approximately $10 per person.

2.4 How to Get There: 

Elora Quarry is located in Elora, about a 1.5-hour drive from Toronto. Take Highway 401 west, then Highway 6 north to Wellington County Road 18.

2.5 Best Time to Go: 

The best time to visit is during the summer months (June to August) when the weather is warm enough for swimming.

2.6 Top Attraction:

The Quarry Pool: The main attraction with stunning turquoise water for swimming.

Limestone Cliffs: Surrounding the quarry, offering beautiful views and photo opportunities.

Elora Gorge Conservation Area: Nearby, offering hiking trails and tubing on the Grand River.

To know in detail about Elora Quarry visit here.

2.7 Important Tips for First Visit

  • Arrive Early: The quarry has a limited capacity and can fill up quickly on hot days.
  • Bring Water Shoes: The rocky areas can be tough on bare feet.
  • Observe Safety Rules: The cliffs are steep, and diving is prohibited.

3. Hardy Lake

3.1 Overview: 

Hardy Lake Provincial Park in Muskoka offers a peaceful escape with beautiful hiking trails and opportunities for canoeing and kayaking. It’s best visited from May to October, especially in fall when the foliage is spectacular. Entrance is free, though parking fees may apply.

Hardy Lake

3.2 Activities:

Hardy Lake Provincial Park offers a tranquil escape with beautiful hiking trails around the lake:

  • Hiking: Several trails offer scenic views, including an 8 km loop around the lake.
  • Canoeing/Kayaking: Enjoy peaceful paddling experiences on the calm waters.
  • Wildlife Watching: Spot local wildlife including beavers, birds, and turtles.

3.3 Costs:

  • Entrance Fee: Free, but parking fees may apply.

3.4 How to Get There: 

Located near Torrance in the Muskoka region, Hardy Lake is about a 2-hour drive from Toronto. Take Highway 400 north and then follow local roads to the park.

3.5 Best Time to Go: 

Late spring to early fall (May to October) is ideal, with fall being particularly picturesque as the leaves change color.

3.6 Top Attraction:

Hardy Lake Loop Trail: A scenic 8 km trail around the lake.

Lookout Points: Offering beautiful views of the lake and surrounding forest.

Wildlife Viewing: Spot beavers, turtles, and a variety of bird species.

To know in detail about Hardy Lake visit here.

3.7 Important Tips for First Visit

  • Wear Sturdy Hiking Boots: The trails can be rocky and uneven.
  • Bring Bug Spray: Mosquitoes can be plentiful, especially in the summer.
  • Carry a Map: The park is less developed, so ensure you know your route.

4. Tobermory

4.1 Overview: 

Tobermory, located on the Bruce Peninsula, is famous for its clear waters, scuba diving sites, and the Grotto—a stunning sea cave. Visitors can also hike the Bruce Trail and take boat tours to Flowerpot Island. The best time to visit is from May to October, with activities ranging in cost from $7.90 for park entry to around $150 for scuba diving tours.


4.2 Activities:

Tobermory, located on the Bruce Peninsula, is famous for its crystal-clear waters, scuba diving, and the beautiful Fathom Five National Marine Park:

  • Scuba Diving: Explore numerous shipwrecks in the clear waters.
  • The Grotto: Visit this stunning sea cave with crystal-clear blue waters.
  • Hiking: Traverse the Bruce Trail for spectacular views of the Georgian Bay.
  • Boat Tours: Take a tour to Flowerpot Island to see unique rock formations and rare orchids.
  • Kayaking: Paddle through the serene waters of the Georgian Bay.

4.3 Costs:

  • National Park Day Pass: Around $7.90 per person.
  • Boat Tours to Flowerpot Island: Approximately $40 per adult.
  • Scuba Diving Tours: Vary from $75 to $150 depending on the package.

4.4 How to Get There: 

Tobermory is about a 4-hour drive from Toronto. Take Highway 410 north, then follow Highway 10 and Highway 6 north.

4.5 Best Time to Go: 

Late spring to early fall (May to October) is the best time, with peak season in July and August.

4.6 Top Attraction:

The Grotto: A stunning sea cave with crystal-clear blue waters.

Flowerpot Island: Famous for its unique rock formations and rare orchids.

Fathom Five National Marine Park: Home to numerous shipwrecks and clear waters perfect for scuba diving.

Bruce Peninsula National Park: Offers spectacular views and hiking trails.

To know in detail about Tobermory visit here.

4.7 Important Tips for First Visit

  • Book Grotto Visits in Advance: Slots fill up quickly in peak season.
  • Dress for Hiking: The terrain can be rugged.
  • Be Prepared for Cooler Waters: Even in summer, the water can be chilly.

5. Purple Hill Lavender

5.1 Overview: 

Purple Hill Lavender Farm near Creemore offers a serene experience among blooming lavender fields, with workshops and a shop selling lavender-infused products. The best time to visit is from late June to early August during the lavender blooming season. The entrance fee is around $10 per person, with workshop fees varying from $20 to $50.

Purple Hill Lavender

5.2 Activities:

Purple Hill Lavender Farm offers a serene and aromatic experience:

  • Lavender Fields: Wander through expansive lavender fields and take stunning photos.
  • Workshops: Participate in workshops to make lavender crafts or learn about cooking with lavender.
  • Shop: Purchase lavender-infused products such as oils, soaps, and culinary items.

5.3 Costs:

  • Entrance Fee: Around $10 per person.
  • Workshop Fees: Vary depending on the activity, typically around $20-$50 per session.

5.4 How to Get There: 

Located near Creemore, Purple Hill Lavender is about a 1.5-hour drive from Toronto. Take Highway 400 north and then follow local roads to the farm.

5.5 Best Time to Go: 

The best time to visit is during the lavender blooming season, from late June to early August.

5.6 Top Attraction:

Lavender Fields: Expansive fields perfect for photos and relaxation.

Lavender Shop: Offers a variety of lavender-infused products including oils, soaps, and culinary items.

Workshops: Learn to make lavender crafts or cook with lavender.

To know in detail about Purple Hill Lavender Farm visit here.

5.7 Important Tips for First Visit

  • Visit During Bloom: Check their website for the peak bloom times.
  • Wear Comfortable Shoes: You’ll be walking through fields.
  • Respect the Plants
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